Guarantee of safety and reliability for Cogeneration processes
Zanini Renk turbo reducer designs are well-established and highly reliable. Since 1976, the company has supplied more than 1,000 turbo reducers with different power capacities, operating in the most diverse thermoelectric plants in the Americas in cogeneration applications, compressors, injection pumps and more.
Designed and manufactured in accordance with international API, DIN and AGMA standards, they are a safety solution for critical applications such as power generation.
Discover our range of Turbo Gearboxes.
Some companies that operate with Zanini Renk turbo gearboxes: Siemens, NG, Dresser-Rand, Mitsubishi, Petrobras, Votorantim Celulose, Braskem, International Paper, Ingenio Incauca, Siderco, Ingenio Valdez, Benecke, Renk AG, Arauco, Raízen, Tereos, Alta Mogiana , Alto Alegre, Bahia Pulp, Renuka do Brasil, TGM, Grupo São Martinho, Rigesa, Ripasa, Biopav, Inpasa, Melhoramentos, Warnes.